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The Real Value Of Your Education?

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The value of your education is much more than the grades you get in school. These videos inspired me to think about what education really is, how it continues to influence many aspects of my life my life, and what it means to millions of others around the world.I hope you enjoy them too 🙂

Getting good grades can make a huge difference to your future, but it’s not the only thing we should aspire to in ‘education’. This brilliant student blew my mind and put a few things in perspective when he started waxing lyrical…

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Did you take your education for granted? Maybe even moan and complain about having to go to school? I know I did. Some of us forget there are parts of the world where not everyone gets an education – and that can be the difference between life and death. Maybe you could do something, big or small, to help those less fortunate than we are…


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Please click here to play the video.

In this little pep talk, Kid President made me smile whilst giving a few pointers that students and teachers can use to get the most out of this school year. Enjoy!

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Please click here to play the video.

Be unstoppable!

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Kevin Mincher


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