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Probably the biggest mistake that’s killing your confidence

Last week we began a discussion about not comparing yourself to your mates. It’s worth looking further into this theme because it has a massive impact on our confidence levels. Comparing yourself to others is an easy trap to fall into and can be tough to stop for those fail to recognize the consequences. One… Continue reading Probably the biggest mistake that’s killing your confidence

How One Young Apprentice Reject Went On To Win Big In The Real World

You might expect someone known as “the world’s youngest publisher” to change career when he was fired from The Young Apprentice for failing on a publishing task. But not Sean Spooner – this determined teenager used everything he learned to launch an online magazine that’s become a huge success. You’re Never Too Young To Succeed… Continue reading How One Young Apprentice Reject Went On To Win Big In The Real World

6 Autobiographies That Will Inspire You

Lots of people have opinions about what it takes to be happy and successful, but those who really know are those who have been there, seen it, and done it.  That’s why we recommend you read the autobiographies of people who have already achieved what you want to achieve.  It’s one of the best and… Continue reading 6 Autobiographies That Will Inspire You

Ashton Kutcher Reveals 3 Insider Secrets For Getting Your Career Going

There’s a well-watched YouTube video from the Teen Choice Awards in which Ashton Kutcher shares three brilliant insights you can use to become successful. We like it when celebrities go off script and share their innermost thoughts because they’ve already achieved great things, and therefore, they know what it took to make their dreams come… Continue reading Ashton Kutcher Reveals 3 Insider Secrets For Getting Your Career Going