Episode 11

How to experience more happiness (Interview with best-selling author Andy Cope)

andy cope

It seems like everyone wants to be happy. Unfortunately, not everyone experiences this wonderful emotion as often as they’d like.

The good news is that we all have the capacity to experience more happiness. The question is…

How do you experience more happiness?

That’s exactly what Kevin asked Andy Cope in this episode of The Unstoppable Teen Podcast. Andy is a best-selling author and world-renowned expert on happiness.

Kevin asks Andy to share his research on happiness and the simple strategies we can all use to experience more happiness on a daily basis.

So listen now if you want to experience more happiness, or if you want to help other people experience more happiness.

“If you seriously decide to go for it and make a dent in the universe, then you can achieve anything you want.”
Andy Cope – Best-Selling Author & Happiness Expert

You will learn:

  • What is positive psychology and how is it different to traditional psychology? (2:14)
  • Could you be happier even if nothing in the world around you changed? (4:21)
  • Why complaining about what’s ‘not fair’ is a waste of your time and emotion (5:22)
  • Why it’s important for teenagers to figure out what they love and what they are passionate about (6:46)
  • Why it’s a mistake to wait for your school to teach you everything you might need to know (9:11)
  • What you can do to discover your strengths and talents (10:11)
  • The power of ‘why’? (12:57)
  • What you should ask yourself instead of ‘What do I want to be when I grow up?’ (14:23)
  • What Andy was like when he was a teenager and why his teachers might be surprised he became a best-selling author (14:56)
  • Why standing out is better than fitting in (16:15)
  • Why you don’t need to be perfect in order to be happy (18:00)
  • How pain and failure can help you find happiness and success (20:07)
  • What is happiness and where does it come from? (22:23)
  • The difference between ‘Internal factors’ and ‘External factors’, and which one you need to focus on in order to experience more happiness (26:26)
  • What percentage of the population is happy (27:45)
  • How your level of happiness is contagious and spreads to others (28:38)
  • To what extent we are born happy versus learn to be happy (31:35)
  • One of the biggest mistakes people make that prevents them from experiencing more happiness (33:58)
  • Why happiness is important and how it affects many aspects of your life (35:24)
  • Three things you can do if you want to experience more happiness (36:22)
  • What a ‘HUGG’ is and why you need to have some (40:36)
  • What Andy thinks it takes to become unstoppable (43:42)
“The biggest single thing that happy people do is they consciously and deliberately choose to have a positive approach to life.”
Andy Cope – Best-Selling Author & Happiness Expert

Get Andy’s brilliant books:

  • andybook1
  • andybook2

Useful resources mentioned in this episode:

How great leaders inspire action – Simon Sinek

The “HUGG Pyramid” by David Hyner


This HUGG Pyramid is what Andy used to set and achieve his goal of becoming a best-selling children’s author. (Copyright David Hyner)

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